
pro·cras·ti·nate /prəˈkrastəˌnāt/

1. application of the mind to the acquisition of knowledge, as by reading, investigation, or reflection.

Getting back into this habit has been somewhat of a difficult task for me. I understand the concept of this word and I grasp its full intentions, although there has been a growing discord between the said definition of the word and its new applied meaning to me.

1. to know the importance of a task and yet smother it with distractions, as by facebooking, watching tv, or eating food.


Paper Brain

Paper Brain, like many bands is in a constant state of change. Their "dreamy soundscape, sunny boy-girl swapped melodies and harmonic interludes" has ventured strenuously far and now creeps into a new stage, wreathed in lucid soundcaves of shiny icicles. Ain't Nobody Cares is a wonderful album, although Paper Brain's progression has lingered into a world of pop's frustrated covetous younger brother - the same dreamy melodies combined outbursts of harmonious feedback tantrums and heart-piercing synth waves.
Hold your horses for a few more months. New recordings from Klickitat Band Camp are on the way.